Friday, 4 December 2009

24-1 Prayer room

I've been blessed recently by a gr8 lass in our congregation who opened her spare room for a whole 24 hours of prayer, it was amazing. I finished work at 2 in the morning and popped down for an hour of prayer... i shared this with our music group last night... its now like i never want to leave... i yearn for that time with God... I'm on fire when I'm near him.. I just want to climb onto his lap and sit with him. in human terms its like sitting watching the football with a mate and a beer. Now I'm not saying this in a heretical way I'm not saying that I've become overly comfortable with God that i forget who he is but that its something i now love to do... I realise he will challenge and push things that in the natural may hurt but he does this so that we can see ourselves thru his eyes. That we may see ourselves as righteous... remember the compliments people give you, forget the insults.... as we spend time with God and we become comfortable in his presence we will learn more of his voice, more of what he wants us to be. I think its important to remember that thru Gods eyes we are as Jesus, thru our eyes we are not there yet, we need to stop picking out the one bad point out of 10 good things and focus on getting right with God, it needs to change but stop pulling yourself down with it... God Love You just as you are and he will meet you right there...
thanks for reading